Our Team
Staff Team
Matt Jeziorski is our Project Manager and is responsible for the day-to-day running of The Orrell Trust. Matt is our safeguarding coordinator.
Mary Carr is leads our work with older people and is the project lead for The Wednesday Club, Café Thursdays, The Orrell Arts Café, Down Orrell Hey, Bootle Buddies, and Crochet Group.
Kathryn Johnston leads our work with Children and Young People. She is the project lead for our After School Club, Squashie Play, and our school holiday activities for young people.
Sue McKevitt is the project lead for our Jolly Soap Opera Mob. Sue also supports the After School Club.
Diane Ball, Sarah Harpur, and Sue Scott Webb work alongside Sue on the Jolly Soap Opera Mob. Diane also supports Squashie Play.
The strategic development of The Orrell Trust is led by our board of Trustees. John Forrest is chair and Rev Andrew Stott is our safeguarding trustee.
Other trustees are: Lorraine Webb (Vice Chair), Susan Green (Secretary), Rev Alan Finch, Linda Heaton, Paulette Sheridan, and Dennis Tyrrell.
Alongside our paid staff we have a team of dedicated volunteers who generously give their time and energy to support our activities and projects. The commitment of our volunteers is crucial in making our work possible. We are always on the look out for more volunteer support. Volunteer with us.